How to participate

If your child’s preschool, daycare, or homeschool group is looking for a photographer (or maybe you just think it’s time they NEED a new photographer), you can participate in my School Ambassador Program.

It’s easy, completely free and you’ll get rewarded.

School Ambassador Program, Wichita, KS, ICT, Preschool, Homeschool, Daycare, Photography, Photographer, Unique, Modern, Timeless, Fine Art, School

1 –  Share your school info

Contact me by completing the form below with your information and the information about your school. This will start the process.

2 – Share my info with the owner / director of your school

We’ll discuss the best way to share the information. You can explain to your school why you (and maybe other parents as well) would like fine art school portraits taken.

Highlight what you love about my work and why I would be a perfect fit for your school. Remind them it’s free and a great fundraiser when parents purchase photos.

3 – What can you earn?

I will reach out to your school and take it from there! When your school books me you will be thanked for your referral. When I photograph your child at school you will receive a free set of digital images from your child’s gallery!

School Ambassador Program, Wichita, KS, ICT, Preschool, Homeschool, Daycare, Photography, Photographer, Unique, Modern, Timeless, Fine Art, School

What I look like when I get things for free…

Please complete the form below to participate in the School Ambassador Program